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Efficiency Meets Excellence: Marketing Gems 💎 From My Desk to Yours

If there’s one thing I have always loved, it is being efficient with my time and resources. Especially now that I have three small kids and not a second to waste when I work.

AI has seemingly hit the mainstream this past year even though it has been working behind the scenes in many places we all frequent for some time. I too, have been working with entrepreneurs and executives behind the scenes that have been crafting a vision for the future that we are seemingly now living in.

As an early adopter of tech and advocate for my clients, I have always shared resources that I use myself. Below are a few that I have used lately that I recommend to the point that I have recently become an affiliate of.

Strategic Marketing AI Playbook and Training

I met Susan Diaz a few years back at a women’s leadership conference. We recently joined forces due to our mutual affinity and advocacy for using AI to revolutionize how you execute marketing. As a recent student of, The AI Advantage:Transformative Marketing for the Modern Entrepreneur, I can safely say it is well worth taking for the 13-page Strategic Marketing Prompt Library Guide alone. New modules for up-levelling your AI skills are released each month. Learn more here. If you are interested in accessing, here’s 10% off using this code.

High Quality, Efficient, and Professional Headshots

A hill that I will die on all day long is having a fresh head shot. I usually get mine done every few years which may sound superficial, but if I didn’t get speaking gigs or client opportunities every time I rolled out a new reinvention, I wouldn’t be preaching this here today.

Styling your clothes, taking a half a day, make-up, coordinating a photographer and figuring out cool locations no more with Try it on. Upload 8 pics of yourself and SHAZAM! 100 headshots. Just like a real photoshoot, you will probably have 10 top pics to use. An edited photo is an edited photo in my books whether it’s done by a human or AI.

My clients and friends that have tried it are all using their images for their online presence. The best part of all it is affordable and super fun. Try it for yourself.

Take Your Content to the Next Level With Pro Tips and Strategies

If you share content on LinkedIn and are actively working on your personal brand, you have probably come across top entrepreneur voice Justin Welsh. I recently took The Operating System for LinkedIn course to accelerate the growth of my brand on LinkedIn. While I am still in the early stages of implementing, I am definitely one of his 17,234 happy customers who invested in the $150 USD course. Highlights include how to develop content that connects based on your own story and personal experiences, optimizing your profile for inbound and outbound opportunities, and his own best practices to engage with his near 500K followers. If you want to learn more or take it yourself, visit here.

What tools and training have you used lately that you recommend? Reply to this email and let me know!

Keep moving and shaking,
