Posted inBranding / Business Growth

4 Signs It’s Time for a Marketing Makeover


What if I were to tell you that your branding could be holding you back from realizing your potential as an organization?

Usually, companies in this position have already been in business for an extended period but have failed to reinvent their messaging, brand identity and positioning as the company has evolved.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though, since this is a problem that can be fixed. It is essential to acknowledge the warning signs that your branding may be negatively impacting your cash flow. The good news is, a marketing makeover business transformation can be a big growth accelerator.

Branding and the overall company image innately attract or repel people in seconds. And it does not always get the credence it needs from senior leaders as the success blocker it can be.

This is why the first step in any marketing engagement we do is assessing the logo, brand identity and website. Because no matter what you do with your marketing activities, you won’t get where you want to be if these visual assets are off.

There are exceptions. Some companies can get by with their dated looks and messaging due to relationships already in place with existing customers and their referrals. However, if you are interested in growing faster and going further, consider the following clues and symptoms that it may no longer be working for your organization.

1. You are having a hard time attracting new customers

This is one of the most obvious indicators that it may be time for a refresh. Unfortunately, I have worked with different CEOs that would make excuses or blame this reality on some other external factor for not getting the results they want to see.  It is funny how the ego can get in the way of what is clearly common sense visually to anyone outside of a company. Whether there is some historical, emotional connection or resistance to change because of the work to update the existing assets/signage, not facing the music only perpetuates the issue that can be fixed! Why wait?

An analogy I like to give, is that you would not want to stay in a hotel with a bad website or dated finishing’s, especially with plenty of other options to choose from. If you are unsure about how you are presenting your organization to the world, ask someone external to your company with the right qualifications to assess your brand’s visual identity and truly listen and consider their feedback.

2. Website traffic is growing, but your conversions are not

Organic traffic can sometimes be a little bit of a mystery as to how people actually found your website. Was it a referral, or did they hear about you somewhere else first before they Googled you? Did you come up in a search? Regardless of how people find your website, if they are not compelled to download any assets or submit a contact inquiry form, they are not sure they want to do business with you when evaluating their options. The content and messages you share are important, but if the visual presentation turns people off right away, you are missing out on opportunities to generate new leads.

3. You are investing in advertising but can’t convert any traffic into leads

Is it really the platform’s fault, or could it be that your message and positioning is off? Or maybe your landing page presentation is not compelling enough for your ideal prospects to convert. This is often a related symptom of number 1, so it may be time to revamp, reinvent and repackage your value proposition.

4. Revenues have been stagnant, and you haven’t seen any meaningful growth in some time

The good news is that you do not have to stay in this position. Whether you are well established or just starting out, it is important to make sure your branding resonates with your ideal prospective customers’ wants and needs. Of course, you need to have consistent digital marketing activities to support your offers, but if your revenues have been stagnant, it is time to make some decisions and changes to innovate how you are presenting what you do.

I have seen the powerful transformations and accelerated growth that can occur almost immediately after a brand refresh time and time again. Unfortunately, I have also witnessed declining businesses from CEOs who are unwilling to accept this reality as the core issue in overcoming the challenges listed above.

A marketing makeover can be a significant growth catalyst when done correctly. If it’s time, don’t wait any longer. If this message hit home and you think it may be time to revamp with a marketing makeover, we would love to chat about being a part of this transformative process.

To learn more or arrange a consultation, contact us today!